Press release #1 – A CTU team takes part in the international Solar Decathlon Europe 21 competition

A student team from the Faculty of civil engineering supported by the University centre for energy efficient buildings (UCEEB) has succeeded in the contestant selection process and will therefore continue in the international university competition Solar Decathlon Europe 21.

The team has roughly one and a half year to prepare and realize their idea of housing for students and young research fellows in form of additional structures on top of the existing dorm buildings. The team will be holding their ground against the strong competition of 17 other teams from Germany, Sweden, Denmark, France, The Netherlands, Spain, Hungary, Romania, Thailand and Taiwan.

The finals will take place in September 2021 in the Solar campus located in Wuppertal, Germany ( It will consist of 10 individual disciplines including besides architecture, design & construction, viability, energy performance and comfort also sustainability and affordability.

We wish our students good luck and we hope they will achieve similar success as the CTU team, which took part in the Solar Decathlon 2013 in Orange County Great Park in California. Their AIR House project won third overall place. In the individual categories, it also won first place in Architecture and Energy Balance, second place in Engineering and third place in Market Appeal, Comfort Zone and Hot Water categories.