Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
Deutsch-Tschechische Industrie – und Handelskammer
Director of the CTU


Czech Technical University in Prague is the largest technical university in the Czech Republic, with more than 17800 students in eight faculties. For the 2021/22 academic year, CTU in Prague is offering its students 227 accredited study programmes of which 94 are in foreign languages. Faculty of Civil Engineering is the largest and oldest of the CTU faculties. Founded in 1707, it is also the first public engineering school in Central Europe. It is producing experts in fields of civil engineering, architecture, urbanism, geodesy and many more. The very important benefit for the team and the competition is the full integration of the project to the process of education at Faculty of Civil Engineering.

University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings (UCEEB) was founded as an independent institute of the Czech Technical University in Prague under the auspices of four departments – Civil engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering. The Centre’s goal is to leverage synergy effects of research activities of the individual departments which are related to energy efficient buildings.

Audiovisual Centre of Czech Technical University in Prague (AVC CTU) is an independent student group, focusing on audiovisual support of Czech Technical University students and other science and non-science related groups.

Our media partner TZB-info is an Internet resource specialising in information on construction, energy savings, and the related fields collectively referred to as mechanical and electrical systems usually known as building services (in Czech abbreviated as TZB). Its primary focus lies within the construction of buildings and energy issues related thereto. The information presented by TZB-info is carefully selected and edited, serving a diverse audience of professionals ranging from designers to plumbers, but also the general public. TZB-info records 750,000 visits every month.

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