First contact with the outside world

Last Friday, the FIRSTLIFE team held their first workshop, presenting our vision of 21st-century dormitories to the invited experts. Our guests, experienced in various fields regarding architecture, civil engineering, sustainable design or urbanism, gave us valuable constructive criticism. It wasn’t always easy to hear it, but this feedback is essential…

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We know the spot

We wanted building site number 8 and we got building site number 8. At Solar Campus lot selection, Lord Mayor of Wuppertal Uwe Schneidewind picked lot with FIRSTLIFE name soon enough, so we could call dibs on the exact spot we wanted for our house demonstration unit! Close to the…

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Back in the game!

After a challenging year affected by world pandemic, we are truly pleased to announce that our team is back on the track towards Solar Decathlon Europe 21 in Wuppertal, Germany! SDE21 has been postponed as a reaction to the current COVID-19 pandemic, so the goal for our team is to…

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